
Use it or Lose it! Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

Posted by ODYSSEY DENTAL Dec 13, 2022

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The holiday season is fast approaching. It's the time of the year when you indulge in your favorite foods, desserts, and candies. It's also the time of the year when you indulge in your favorite drinks as well.

While the end of the year is fast approaching, there are still several benefits to using your remaining dental insurance benefits and flex spending account funds before they expire. If you haven't seen your dentist in some time, now's the time to schedule that appointment so that you can benefit from your coverage before it expires. That way, you can maximize the value you get out of your insurance. Keep reading to learn more about maximizing your insurance before the end of the year.

Schedule An Appointment With a Dentist

If you don't already have a dentist, now is the time to find one so you can take full advantage of your dental insurance benefits. Most plans cover two checkups and cleanings per year – and the end of the year is the perfect time to book an appointment if you haven't already done so. Regular cleanings and exams are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, so you don't want to miss out on these benefits! Plus, the sooner you schedule an appointment, the sooner you can enjoy your smile in the new year! 

By visiting a dentist twice per year for preventive care, you can maximize the value of your dental insurance benefits. You'll receive a professional cleaning that will remove any plaque buildup and tartar accumulation from your teeth. This will help prevent decay and cavities that could require restorative treatment in the future. Additionally, your dentist can monitor the health of your gums and recommend treatments as needed. If gum disease is present, the early stages of the condition can be reversed with a deep dental cleaning.

Qualify for Dental Insurance or Flexible Spending Account Deductions

Many dental insurance plans renew at the beginning of a new year. If you haven't used your benefits yet this year, you still have time! Make sure you schedule your final visit before the year runs out. You'll also want to review your flexible spending plan and see if you've saved enough from your pretax deductions to max out your contributions for the year. If you do, make sure you schedule any elective treatment before the end of the year. You don't want to lose any of your savings!

Schedule your appointment today by calling (623) 934-7606 and reach out to our dental practice at 8256 W. Cactus Road, Suite #136, Peoria, AZ 85381. You can also request an appointment online by filling out our online contact form, and one of our staff will get back to you shortly to confirm a time. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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8256 W. Cactus Road, Suite #136, Peoria, AZ 85381

Odyssey Dental

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Odyssey Dental